Mango is commonly eaten fresh and depending upon the cultivar may be consumed at an immature (unripe, green peel) stage or when fully ripe.
In addition, the pulp may be cooked, dried, preserved frozen or powdered.
Mango pulp may be incorporated into beverage, desserts, ice cream sorbets, preserves, jellies, fruit salads, chutneys, pickles, canned in syrup, pureed and dried.
Mangos are a rich source of vitamins A and C and have recently been found to be high in anti-cancer antioxidants and phenols.
Historically there have been many reported medicinal uses of the sap (latex), flowers, seeds and leaves for use as astringents, treating diarrhea, hemorrhages, fever hypertension and hemorrhoids.
Uses of Mango and Nutritional Composition