Mangoes are a very popular tropical fruit. People have become quite fond of mangoes. Dried mangos, mango / mint salsa, mango pudding, mango slices – and even bread recipes are becoming more and more popular.
If anybody trying to cook mango recipes that will last and last, mango puree can be frozen and slices apart easily – almost like frozen butter or margarine.
Mango puree can be kept for virtually a year before it is no longer usable as long as it is kept frozen. Once made a mango puree, remember to freeze it. Slicing off the exact amount needed for any marinade, cream, sauce, sorbet or whatever recipe discovered.
It has even become popular for some people to grow their own mango. Just take the seed and remove as much pulp possibly can. Be sure to plant the seed horizontally. The very best way to start out is in a six inch pot, be sure to use high quality soil and plant the seed on the surface with about a fourth of the seed inside the soil. Within a month once should have the beginning of a mango plant.
Be sure not to over – water a mango plant. Mangoes do not need the excess water of many other normal houseplants. Mango tree can be shaped by pinching off leaves. Mangoes are some of the less complicated tropical plants to grow at home. Whether for gifts, or for cooking, or for drying, or just for munching on – mangoes are a wonderful tropical fruit.
Mango – the tropical fruit