The mango is a very important cultural and religious symbol in India. It has developed its own important all over the world but its cultivation is nearly as old as Indian civilization. The fruit has been in cultivation in India subcontinent for well over 4000 years and favorite of the kings and common people because of its nutritive value, taste, attractive fragrance and health promoting qualities.
One medium size mango (about 200gm.) provides more than daily requirement of vitamin ‘A’ of an adult and three fourth requirements of vitamin C. Thus it is recognized as one of the best fruit in the world market. Although, at present it is being cultivated commercially in eighty seven countries of the world, no where it has achieve the same premier position as in the Indian subcontinent where it thrives throughout the length and breadth of the country and is considered as the king of all fruits.
Mango is adapted to wide range of soils, climate and altitude and is relatively easy to cultivate. It plays a vital role in supplementing the diet of millions of people throughout the tropics in Africa, America and Asia were local consumption in tremendous.
India is the largest producer of mango in the world accounting for 52.63 percent of total mango production. The mango accounts for 22.06 per cent of total area under fruit and 23.93 per cent of total fruit production in the country. The country produced 10.99 million tones of mangoes from an area of 1.23 million ha.
Mango Production in India