Mango is one of the popular fruits in the world due to its attractive color, delicious taste and excellent nutritional properties. Known for its sweet fragrance and flavor, the mango has delighted the senses for more than 4000 years. A celebrated fruit, mango, now produced in most of the tropical parts of the globe.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Packing and Packaging of Mango

Mangoes should be cooled as soon as possible after harvesting, particularly if the fruits are required to undergo long distances sea transport.

Packaging of mangoes is crucial in obtaining optimal flavor. The fruits need to be ventilated well within the packages and packing of the fruits in polyethylene-lined cardboard boxes often results in off-flavor development due to accumulation of CO2 and suboptimal decreases in the oxygen concentration leading toward anaerobiosis.

Carton size, design and method of packing depend on the market and the mango variety. Most large volume, extra regional markets will require mangoes packed in a single layer with no fruit resting over another.

For domestic market, fruits may be packed in ventilated wooden boxes or corrugated cardboard boxes with a net capacity of 18 – 20 kg. Fruits should not be packed more than two layers deep.

The use of bags should be avoided for packing mangoes. In addition to boxes being stackable, facilitating greater quantities per load for transportation, they offer better ventilation and greater protection against damage than bags.

Mangoes destined for the export market should be packed in ventilated cardboard cartons. One layer flats with dividers with a maximum capacity of 8 kg may be used.

If it is necessary to have more than one layer of mangoes in the package unit, the liners should be used to protect fruits from compression damage. It will provide some additional buffering against impact damage.

Organic materials (i.e. paper, leaves or shredded wood) have been used to cushion individual fruit in cartons. These materials can harbor pathogens, for example Rhizopus stolonifer, which causes transit rot of mangoes and has been detected in shredded wood used in mango packaging.
Packing and Packaging of Mango

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