Mango is one of the popular fruits in the world due to its attractive color, delicious taste and excellent nutritional properties. Known for its sweet fragrance and flavor, the mango has delighted the senses for more than 4000 years. A celebrated fruit, mango, now produced in most of the tropical parts of the globe.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ecology and climatic requirements

Mango trees perform well both under tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. The trees can survive at 10 °C to 65 °C but the optimum of temperature is 21° C to 27 °C. Mango trees grows over a wide range of frost free climates. 

The trees produce best in climates that have well defined, relatively cool dry season with high heat accumulation during the flowering and fruit development period. Highest production of quality fruit occurs in those are with a distinctive non-freezing cool periods and an extended dry period prior flowering, hot temperatures during fruit development, and access to water from flowering to harvest. 

Drought during fruit set and development may result in reduced yields and fruit size. For coastal areas, seasonal flooding of the heavy clays and lower humidity than in the savannah areas differentiate these two important ecozones. 

On the case of mangoes, plants may develop extensive canopies and grow into large size trees in both ecozones, however it is only in the areas with relatively lower humidity that mango trees are able to consistently produce fruit. 

Mango grows and produces fruit over a wide range of elevations from sea level up to 1200 m in tropical latitudes. Mango not makes no high demands on the soil. It can be sandy or loamy, lateritic or alluvial, as long as it is deep and free-draining. 

Very poor, shallow, rocky and alkaline soil should be avoided. Three needs good drainage since it has a medium tolerance to waterlogging. 
Ecology and climatic requirements

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