Mango is one of the popular fruits in the world due to its attractive color, delicious taste and excellent nutritional properties. Known for its sweet fragrance and flavor, the mango has delighted the senses for more than 4000 years. A celebrated fruit, mango, now produced in most of the tropical parts of the globe.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Sugar in mango

Mango is a very popular specialty fruit in the United States and Its current popularity is attributed mainly to its unique flavor, aroma, and appearance. Flavor, especially, is a consumption attribute critical to consumer acceptability of mangoes.

Mango is mostly eaten fresh as a dessert also processed as juices, jams, jellies, nectars as well as crisp mango chips.

Organic acids and sugars are key components in the perception of mango flavor as in most fruit. The predominant acid is citric. On the other hand, as a result of starch hydrolysis from increased amylase activity during ripening, sucrose is the major sugar in the ripe fruit.

The fruit flesh of ripe mango contains about 15% of total sugars. Fructose is the major monosaccharide during the preclimateric phase, while sucrose is the principal sugar in ripe mango fruit.

The carbohydrate profile of this fruit is modified during the ripening process from complex carbohydrates such as starch to single sugars such as monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (sucrose).

The USDA Nutrient Database (United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 2018) reports that the total carbohydrate and sugar contents of Tommy Atkins, Haden, Kent, and Keitt cultivars per 100 g fruit is 14.98 and 13.66 g, respectively (sucrose, 6.97 g; glucose, 2.01; and fructose, 4.68 g), and 1.6 g of dietary fiber/100 g of fruit.

The amount of sugar of the harvested mangoes were significantly influenced by the stages of harvest and period of storage. Total sugar, reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar were sharply increased at optimum ripe stage, while slightly declined at last edible stage. All the sugars were the lowest at earliest harvests, which increased gradually with delay in harvest.
Sugar in mango

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