Mango is one of the popular fruits in the world due to its attractive color, delicious taste and excellent nutritional properties. Known for its sweet fragrance and flavor, the mango has delighted the senses for more than 4000 years. A celebrated fruit, mango, now produced in most of the tropical parts of the globe.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Mango Journey Through History

The Mango, a luscious and versatile fruit, has a rich history that spans centuries, taking us on a journey from the foothills of the Himalayas to global dissemination. This tropical gem's story begins around four or five centuries BC when itinerant Buddhist monks discovered wild mangoes in India and Burma, marking the inception of mango trade.

Java, in AD 900-1100, witnessed the cultivation of mangoes, coinciding with the construction of the Borobudur temple. Intricately carved reliefs on the temple walls depict the Buddha meditating under the shade of a mango tree, emphasizing the cultural and spiritual significance of this fruit.

In the seventh century AD, Chinese traveler Hwen Tsang brought mangoes back to China after his travels to India, adding a new chapter to the fruit's global journey. A theory suggests that mangoes reached Africa via Persia in the tenth century, further solidifying its worldwide presence.

The Portuguese traders played a pivotal role in the global spread of mangoes, introducing the fruit to Brazil in the 1700s and Barbados in 1742. From these points, mangoes quickly disseminated across the continents, becoming a global culinary delight.

The heart of mango cultivation lies in Mogul, India, where the fruit holds cultural significance and is revered for its purported aphrodisiac properties. The 16th century saw the development of grafting techniques, enabling efficient propagation of desirable mango varieties.

The term 'mangas' was first used for mango in the Greek work 'Colloquies on Simples and Drugs of India' in the 16th century. However, the earliest reference to the mango tree, Mangifera indica, dates back to 4000 BC in Hindu scriptures, highlighting its deep-rooted cultural importance.

Belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, which includes poison ivy, cashews, and pistachios, the mango is known by various names worldwide – manga, mangga, mangot, mangou, and mangue. This diversity in nomenclature reflects the fruit's global appeal and adaptation to different cultures.

Mangoes are not only known for their historical significance but also for their vibrant colors, ranging from greenish and yellowish to reddish, often tinged with shades of purple, pink, orange-yellow, or red. With over 50 varieties, each offering a unique flavor profile, mangoes continue to captivate taste buds around the world.

In conclusion, the Mango's journey through history is a testament to its cultural, culinary, and agricultural significance. From its humble origins in the Himalayas to becoming a global delicacy, the mango has truly carved its place in the annals of human civilization.
Mango Journey Through History

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